Cindy Park, LPC-A

  • Specialties: Adults, Young Adults / Professionals, Anxiety, Burnout, Career / Work Performance, Depression, Christian, Parentings Skills, Stress Management, Women’s Issues

  • Supervised by: Ly Tran, LPC-S

  • Location: Allen, Telehealth

Getting to know Cindy

Cindy is passionate about empowering adults on their journey towards mental and emotional well-being. She creates a safe, supportive environment where individuals can explore their thoughts and emotions more deeply to gain greater self-awareness, experience personal healing and develop resilience. She firmly believes that everyone has the potential to rewrite their story and experience a life filled with renewed purpose and joy. 

Cindy grew up in Southern California where she went to undergrad and eventually went on to receive her doctorate in educational studies from Talbot School of Theology. She and her family relocated to Texas for her husband's new job as a pastor at Chase Oaks Church and she planned to utilize her skills and education in vocational ministry. She helped establish and lead the resident program at Chase Oaks, and served in diverse capacities, including leading small groups, speaking at various seminars, and preaching.

It was during her own transformative counseling experience that Cindy's life was radically changed. The impact was so profound that she felt compelled to make a mid-life career change and went back to school to pursue counseling. 

Growing up in an immigrant family gives Cindy insight into the distinct challenges that people of color and children of immigrants may encounter. She has a deep understanding of the complexities and wounds that can emerge from one's family of origin. Her childhood was marked by chaos and instability and under the weight of immense pressure to constantly prove her self-worth, she developed a pattern of relentless performance that ultimately led her down a path of exhaustion and burnout. This cycle of striving and pushing herself beyond her limits kept her trapped, unable to break free and fully embrace a life of fulfillment. 

Through the power of counseling, she confronted the deep-rooted issues that had held her captive for far too long and unraveled the layers of her past, gaining clarity and insight into the patterns that had shaped her life. Cindyemerged from counseling with a newfound sense of self-awareness, self-compassion, and the tools to navigate life's challenges with resilience and authenticity. 

Cindy's personal encounter with the life-changing power of counseling fuels her commitment to helping individuals navigate their own journeys of self-discovery and healing. 

Alongside her husband, Peter, and their two daughters, the family shares a passion for two things that bring people together: good food and travel. In her free time, she expresses her creativity through the art of hand-lettering and crafting handmade cards. She starts every morning with a cup of coffee and at some point during the day she has watched TikTok videos and snuggled with her dog, Pixie.